Young Pineapple Sage shown in June |
Flowering Pineapple Sage in September |
of the fascinating aspects of our natural environment is how the plant
and animal worlds are so interwoven in their life cycles and the
Summer's end may see a winding down in energy of our
flower gardens as they go to seed, the days are shorter, the nights
colder. But then there comes a burst of color as
late flowering plants
offer much needed nourishment to our beneficial insects and migrating hummingbirds. Pineapple Sage is one such plant.
Ruby Throated Hummingbird |
It may seem like the busy activity of our
hummingbirds suddenly disappear as the calender pages turn to the fall
months. Resident hummingbirds that have been around all summer may
already be gone but we have to remember those that are migrating and are
simply passing through. We had the fascinating privilege of observing
three hummingbirds flitting around our deck one cool evening in October.
I didn't know they were active at night so it was a neat sight.
Pineapple Sage (Salvia elegans)
is just that, a beautiful elegant plant. The genus name comes from the
Latin word for "save". In ancient times it was often the official sage
of the apothecary, a sacred herb used to treat a wide range of diseases.
The Native Americans used it for smudging their souls and purifying the
Pineapple Sage
is a member of the mint family
(Lamiaceae) which all have square stems and opposite leaves. It is a
tender perennial which means it survives winter only if it's in a
sheltered spot and doesn't get below 45 degrees, hardy only to Zone 7.
If you live in Zones 8 to 10, where temperatures go no lower
than 30 degrees, your pineapple sage will probably winter over.
is usually grown from seeds sown indoors in the spring or gardeners pot
up the plants in late summer and keep them in an unheated garage until
spring. You can get two years out of them this way before they get too
woody and weak. By that time it is best to take stem cuttings from the
new growth that emerges in the spring and set them to root in damp
potting soil. Once put out in the desired garden area they do best in
well-drained soil and full sun, though will tolerate a bit of light
Planted directly in the ground Pineapple Sage
can reach 4 feet high and wide. The oval, lanceolate leaves are an
attractive yellowish-green which are a beautiful contrast with the
dark-red, hairy stems and bright-red blooms.
These bright scarlet,
tubular flowers are what attracts the hummingbirds. Each spike produces 6
to 12 flowers arranged in widely spaced whorls around the stem. The
blooming season is brief, only about two weeks, but timed accordingly
with the hummingbirds migration period before frost arrives.
most people grow this beauty as an ornamental for their late summer
blooms, there are other uses for this delicious, pineapple scented
plant. When people think of sage they usually think of its use for
poultry and holiday stuffing. But being sage is a
good source of vitamin K and high antioxidant levels it is wise to add it to your cooking year round.
Added to grain side dishes its slightly peppery taste will enliven the
taste of wild and brown rice, barley and lentils as well as sauces and
stews. Thread the leaves between meat, mushrooms and onions on kebabs.
fresh leaves add extra flavor to fruit salad, drinks and teas.
Pineapple sage has a wonderful fragrance but little flavor, so for a
good herbal tea combine it with the white varegated Pineapple Mint.
Sage leaves and flowers can also be
dried for later use or to add to wreaths and potpourris.
Whole leaves retain their flavor better than those that are crushed so wait until ready to use them to crush for cooking.
To dry:
You can use a dehydrator or screens to dry the leaves or use the following method:
Harvest the leaves still on the stem
If necessary wash under running water to remove any dirt.
Place in a colander to dry and pat with a paper towel.
Bunch the stems together and put into a brown paper bag.
Close the bag and tie with twine or string.
Poke holes in the bag for ventilation.
Hang bag by the string in a warm, dark and airy area such as attic or closet.
Allow to dry for two to three weeks, checking occasionally for mold.
If there are signs of mold, throw away the bag.
Once thoroughly dry with no soft spots, snap the leaves from the stems.
Stems can be discarded.
Store dried sage leaves in an airtight container away from light. Dried herbs lose their potency after six months to a year.
Below is a yummy
jelly recipe from Lemon Verbena Lady
Makes four 8-ounce jars
• One 12-ounce can of Old Orchard Pineapple Juice,
frozen concentrate, reconstituted with 3 cans of water (It makes three
recipes of jelly once it is reconstituted.)
• 2 cups of pineapple juice
• 1 1/2 cups of pineapple sage leaves, packed
• 3 1/2 cups of sugar
• 2 tablespoons of rice wine vinegar, white wine vinegar OR lemon juice, your choice of one
• 1 pinch of salt
• 1 pouch of liquid pectin
1. Wash and dry the pineapple sage in paper
towels, then coarsely chop it. Put the pineapple sage in a large
saucepan, and crush the leaves using the bottom of a glass. (I use a
food processor.) Add the juice, bring slowly to a boil, and boil for 10
seconds. Remove the saucepan from the heat, cover, and let sit for 15
minutes to steep.
2. Strain 1 1/2 cups of liquid from the saucepan
and pour through a fine strainer into another saucepan. Add the vinegar
of your choice (or lemon juice), salt and sugar, and bring to a hard
boil while stirring. When the boil can't be stirred down, add the
pectin. Return to a hard boil that can't be stirred down and boil for
exactly 1 minute, then remove saucepan from heat.
3. Skim off the foam and pour the hot jelly
into four hot, sterilized (in boiling water for 10 minutes) half-pint
jelly jars. Leave 1/2-inch (or less) headspace and seal at once with
sterilized 2-piece lids. I just leave my lids in hot water not boiling
until you need them. Can the jars in a boiling water bath for 5 minutes.
4. To use: I would use this jelly on thumbprint
cookies, cream cheese and crackers for a quick appetizer and a teaspoon
or two as a glaze for the last 15 minutes of baking chicken or pork.
Any type of sage can be used for this lovely
facial mask. This recipe comes from Janice Cox's book "Natural Beauty At Home".
• 1/2 cup boiling water
• 1 tablespoon fresh pineapple sage leaves
• 3 tablespoons oatmeal
• 2 tablespoons honey
• 1 egg white
1. Pour water over sage leaves; cool completely.
Strain and add sage liquid to oatmeal, honey and egg white. Mix until
smooth and creamy.
2. Spread mixture on clean skin and leave on for 15 to 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water and pat skin dry.
oatmeal and honey rid pores of any surface impurities and the egg white
is astringent. For dry skin, add a teaspoon of olive oil as well.
Follow with a moisturizer.
Makes 2 oz. Store leftover mask mixture in the refrigerator.
Sage is also known as an aid to help with dandruff and graying hair. For this purpose you would make it into an infusion (like a strong tea) and use as a hair rinse. Pineapple Sage would give it a tropical scent.
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