As our son received his highest honor in scouting, The Eagle Scout, we truly felt the pride of being a citizen of the United States.
Our ideal goal for our son as he went through the ranks of Boy Scouts over the years was to develop a young boy into a man who is conscious of living by the Scout Oath.
"Duty to God and Country,
Duty to other people,
Duty to Self"
To know and serve God is how we show our duty to God.
To work for the country's good and obey its laws is how you show your duty to your country.
The duty to oneself is shown by taking care of mind and body so we stay strong and healthy.
By the age of 18, should a boy stay with scouting he has the opportunity to achieve Scouting's highest award, The Eagle Scout challenge. By fulfilling the Boy Scout requirements in addition to the completion of a community service project, the scout proudly enters the ranks of promising high achievers.
Honor is the foundation of all character. To be trustworthy is the foremost responsibility in which an Eagle Scout should live his life. The color white represents honor.
Loyalty is the second obligation of an Eagle Scout. Devotion to God, family, community, and one's ideals. This is signified by the color blue.
To be courageous in times of challenge, uncertainty and danger is esteemed by everyone. The color red is a reminder of courage.
To be cheerful is not always easy, but amazing how a smile can influence those around us.
To be of service is the utmost responsibility of an Eagle Scout. "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you", and the daily Good Turn take on new meaning as a boy enters the adult world. The scout motto memorized since Cub Scout days is "Be Prepared". To be able to handle the pressures and challenges of being on your own requires a child to have matured in character and sense.
Jared's service project involved raising awareness in the Christian community of the important role music plays in reaching the youth of today's world. Typically parents have their children complete CCD classes within the Catholic Church or Confirmation classes within the Protestant church, and then being they have no obligation to attend upon completion, they slip away. Usually the reason is that they think the services are boring or just don't feel anything.
Music is the key to getting through to a teenager or young adult. Spiritual messages portrayed through song can become meaningful and impressionable in a positive way. Song lyrics are often similar to poetry and written in a way people can empathize.
Jared held a concert featuring six bands. Those attending brought a monetary donation or canned goods for a local charity. He even had a local youth pastor deliver a very appropriate message relating to the challenges facing today's young people.
As we celebrate Memorial Day, let us think fondly and proudly of all our men and women who showed utmost character and strength by serving in the military. May their contributions and memory never fade or lose value.
I am so proud of my little brother!!