Cold and Flu Season Elderberry Syrup, Immune Booster
Trying to get our children to cooperate when it comes to taking cold medicine can easily become a power struggle. Perhaps the reason is because its taste is usually not all that appealing.
The elderberry itself is very tart but once boiled down into a syrup with the addition of honey, cinnamon, cloves and ginger, the result is a very tasty anti-viral blend your child just may request when feeling out of sorts.
For centuries, the berry from the shrubby elderberry tree (Sambucus nigra) has been a popular remedy for colds and influenza. The dark purple berries are made into a delicious syrup which can then be taken right of the spoon or mixed with hot water and lemon for a nourishing tea. Elderberry syrup can be taken on a daily basis as a preventative measure during cold season or as desired while ill. Hot, comforting teas are a great way to increase your fluid intake, very important when the body is on the mend. Elderberries may help break a fever as their use promotes the body to sweat. Taken straight as a syrup it is very soothing for coughs, sore throats and bronchial infections. Sambucus contains compounds that are active against flu viruses and aids in stimulating the immune system.
Honey used is raw honey. Raw honey has a different look than pasteurized commercial honey. It has not been heated or filtered therefore it looks a bit cloudy and has flecks of the activities of the hive, such as honeycomb bits and pollen. Having a high anti-oxidant level and being the natural enzymes have not been destroyed by heat, raw honey is a much healthier product.
As with any herbal remedy this information or syrup formula has not been regulated by the FDA. Herbal lore has been trusted and handed down through the years but it is within your discretion how you use this information in treating a condition.
Dosage is as follows:
Do not use on babies under 2 years due to the honey content.
Children 2-5 years can take 1 tsp. daily as a preventative or every hour while ill.
Children 6-12 years can take 2 tsp. daily as a preventative or every hour while ill.
Adults can take 1 tbsp daily as a preventative or every hour while ill.
Dosages are taken straight as a syrup or mixed with hot water for a tea.
Kept refrigerated, the syrup should stay fresh for the entirety of the cold season. The shelf life is estimated at about six months so start with a fresh bottle every year.
Elderberry Syrup Immune Booster is offered either in a 4 oz. amber glass bottle or a 4 oz. plastic pop-up type squeeze bottle. Let me know which you prefer.
For your information:
The rhinovirus is the most common cause of a cold, while the influenza virus causes the flu. A fever is common with the flu, but rare with a cold. You may have a headache, muscle pains, weakness and fatigue with a cold, but with the flu, these symptoms are very common and usually severe.
Runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, and sore throat are common with a cold, but less common with the flu.
Both the common cold and the flu can lead to complications. The common cold can cause sinus congestion and earaches. The flu can lead to more severe problems such as bronchitis and pneumonia. It is a good idea to seek medical attention if these symptoms seem to linger or become severe.
Lemon n' Ginger Honey Syrup

The honey used is raw honey. Raw honey has a different look than pasteurized commercial honey. It has not been heated or filtered therefore it looks a bit cloudy and has flecks of the activities of the hive, such as honeycomb bits and pollen. Having a high anti-oxidant level and being the natural enzymes have not been destroyed by heat, raw honey is a much healthier product. Honey is antibacterial and a natural preservative, so this syrup will keep for months in the refrigerator.
Soothing a sore, dry, or raspy throat has long been remedied with a spoonful of honey. Being honey actually absorbs moisture, called hygroscopic, it is helpful for cold symptoms as it can bring moisture to tissues in the throat. It's antibacterial action appeases sore throats as it helps to kill infection causing bacteria.
Honey and lemons work well together since both contain not only antibacterial, but also antioxidant qualities. Rich in the antioxidant vitamin C, lemons are an important defense against the common cold as free radicals are destroyed within the body.
Lemons made into a tea help to keep the body hydrated, balance pH by keeping the system alkaline, as well as to flush bacteria and unwanted toxins from the kidneys and urinary tract.
To avoid the risk of pesticide residues, only organic lemons are used in the preparation of the syrup.
Last we have the healing powers of ginger root. Ginger is a rhizome with its spiciest part being one of the oleoresin compounds, gingerol. These oils are credited with the soothing properties so well known for with digestive upsets. Symptoms of a cold often make it difficult to eat, so ginger is often used to combat bellyaches and nausea. Ginger causes the body to warm, making it helpful in battling the chills from a fever. Adding ginger to a hot cup of tea allows the beneficial steam to help clear congestion and soothe the linings of a stuffy nose.
The syrup is prepared by layering lemon slices, ginger root and the honey in a mason jar. Kept in the refrigerator, the lemons kind of dissolve into the honey to make a fragrant, sweet, marmalade like mixture. Eventually this concoction becomes pourable, upon which time the lemon pulp and ginger root are strained off and the resulting syrup is bottled.
You can use this Lemon n' Ginger Honey Syrup in two ways. You can take it right off the spoon when needed for a scratchy or sore throat, a persistent cough, or just as a periodic immune booster.
You can also enjoy it as a nice, soothing hot cup of tea. Just add a tablespoon to you mug and top it with hot or boiling water.
Due to the risk of botulism with young babies, do not use this syrup with children under one year of age.
For freshness and potency keep the syrup refrigerated.
As with any herbal remedy this information or syrup formula has not been regulated by the FDA. Herbal lore has been trusted and handed down through the years but it is within your discretion how you use this information in treating a condition.
For your information:
The rhinovirus is the most common cause of a cold, while the influenza virus causes the flu. A fever is common with the flu, but rare with a cold. You may have a headache, muscle pains, weakness and fatigue with a cold, but with the flu, these symptoms are very common and usually severe.
Runny or stuffy nose, sneezing, and sore throat are common with a cold, but less common with the flu.
Both the common cold and the flu can lead to complications. The common cold can cause sinus congestion and earaches. The flu can lead to more severe problems such as bronchitis and pneumonia. It is a good idea to seek medical attention if these symptoms seem to linger or become severe.
Cold Sore Lip Balm
Cold sores, those unsightly little blisters around the mouth, are caused by the same herpes virus that is responsible for the chicken pox. For those of you who are familiar with these painful sores, you are aware that the virus lies dormant in your system and seems to surfaces whenever you get run down and your resistance is low. If you can nip them in the bud, wonderful, otherwise they just have to run their coarse.
Our Cold Sore Lip Balm is very soothing when the blisters crack, harden and finally dry up and disappear. Rich in vitamins A, D, and E, sunflower and wheat germ oils soften and retain moisture. In preparation for the lip balms, calendula flowers are infused in the sunflower oil to extract the amazing healing and anti-inflammatory properties in this garden flower.
Essential oils added are tea tree oil, peppermint and camphor. Tea tree oil is frequently used to treat the blisters of shingles and chicken pox as well. Acting as an antiseptic with antiviral and antibacterial properties, this essential oil is valuable for clearing up skin infections and wound care.
Peppermint also offers antiseptic and anti-inflammatory benefits. Mints in general are high in menthol which are actively germicidal and have been shown to kill the Herpes simplex virus in test tubes (The Healing Herbs by Michael Castleman).
The pungent odor of camphor is familiar in remedies for respiratory problems and rheumatic aches. A feeling of cool numbness is very soothing as this medicinal herb helps with inflammation.
You'll have to experiment as to how to use this balm. When a cold sore is present, it is to be applied to the blistered area itself. It can be used as a preventative and applied as any other lip balm, but be aware with some people it dries out their lips.
To help boost your immune system check with your physician about supplementing with amino acid L-Lysine.
Cold Sore Lip Balm comes in a lip balm tube and sealed for your protection.
Lemon Balm & St. Johnswort Herbal Salve for Herpes Virus Symptoms

Lemon balm, Melissa officinalis, has been used for centuries in tea form as a tonic for multiple ailments including insomnia, depression, headaches, anxiety, stress and fevers. Topically, it's anti-viral and anti-bacterial properties are very useful for cold sores, shingles, herpes lesions and eczema flairs.
A member of the mint family, our bee loving, sweet melissa is not only a balm for the soul but a leader in the virus-fighting herbal world. Lemon balm oils contain tannins, known as polyphenols, which have powerful antiviral properties; eugenol, a powerful antibacterial known to relax nerves and muscles; and terpenes, which soothe sore nerve tissue.
This combination makes one wonder if lemon balm was created with the purpose of dealing with the misery caused by the herpes-family viruses which include, herpes simplex 1 (cold sores), herpes simplex 2 (genital herpes), and herpes zoster (chicken pox and shingles). The herpes virus family name is derived from the latin word herpein, meaning "to creep". The virus tends to hide out in nerve tissue and reappear when we are under stress. By acting to reduce stress by soothing the nerves, lemon balm helps to reduce the reactivation of these viral infections.
The following was taken from James A. Duke, The Green Pharmacy.
"The body's cells have receptors that viruses latch onto when they're tying to take over the cells. The polyphenol compounds have the ability to latch onto the cells' viral receptor sites. They take up those spaces and prevent the viruses from attaching to the cell, thus preventing the spread of infection."
Named after John the Baptist, St. Johnswort (Hypericum perforatum) is a beloved herb much anticipated when it begins to bloom around the summer solstice in June. The yellow flowers contain hypericin, a compound containing anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial benefits. This red juice is what gives the oil its wonderful red color. St. Johnswort helps you recover when your nerves are inflamed or damaged because this herb is a nervous system relaxant.
Having herbs that also have antibacterial properties is very beneficial, because the open sores are always at risk for secondary bacterial infections. Infections of any kind stress the immune system, which can then further aggravate a herpes outbreak.
Both the Lemon balm and the St. Johnswort flowers are picked fresh during their growing season and infused in olive oil for a six to eight week period. During this time frame the oil is exposed to the warmth of the sun to help draw out the herbal properties. Once strained the salve is made by solidifying the oil with skin soothing beeswax.
Sun exposure is a known trigger of cold sores, therefore be sure to protect your skin and lips before a day you know you'll be out in the sun for extended periods of time.
St. John's Wort may cause an increase in skin sensitivity so be sure to wear a sun hat to shield your face.
Lemon Balm & St. Johnswort Salve comes in a 2 oz. plastic jar.
Apply salve as needed to the painful, itchy, blistered areas needing relief.
Try to add lemon balm tea to your life to help with those anxiety and stress filled days.
Lemon balm should be avoided by those on thyroid medication, as it may hinder the absorption of the medication.
Dandruff Jojoba Hair Oil Treatment
Black attire is usually a very flattering part of our wardrobe. But if bothered by the tell-tale signs of a flaky scalp we certainly don't want to advertise the problem.
Dandruff is the result of abnormal activity of the oil-secreting glands in the scalp. Flakes of dead skin cells build up as white scales and then slough off onto clothing.
"A common misconception about dandruff is that dry skin is the root cause of this condition. Dry skin rarely produces flakes that are visible to the naked eye. Dandruff can be the result of an excessively oily scalp or a yeast infection of the scalp. An oily scalp can be freed from dandruff with regular shampooing by massaging the shampoo into the scalp for five minutes and thoroughly rinsing the shampoo out. The scalp massage loosens the dead skin cells while the shampoo removes excess oil. Both the shampoo and dead skin are washed away when the hair is rinsed. However, for dandruff caused by yeast or seborrheic dermatitis, anti-dandruff shampoos are needed to fight the fungal infection and dissolve the dead skin. Before treating any scalp condition, consult a doctor to rule out any underlying health causes for your dandruff."
Source: ShawnTe Pierce, eHow Contributor
Jojoba oil based scalp treatments are to be used in conjunction with an anti-dandruff shampoo for best results. A desert shrub, jojoba oil is actually the liquid wax extracted from the plants' seeds. Jojoba oil so resembles human sebum that it acts as a protective coating, sort of like a second skin. The shafts of your hair will quickly absorb this deeply penetrating oil.
You are receiving 2 oz. pure jojoba oil
Most commercial dandruff products help control the condition but do not eliminate the underlying source of the problem. Rosemary, tea tree oil, pine and cedarwood are all very useful for regulating the secretions of the sebaceous glands. Astringent, antiseptic and antifungal, these essential oils help to cleanse and eliminate the itchy, funky feeling of an unhealthy scalp.
Massage a small amount into scalp, wrap with a towel, and leave in at least 30 minutes, preferably overnight. Follow with a dandruff shampoo. Repeat as often as necessary. Help things along by eliminating highly saturated fatty and fried foods from your diet. A change in unhealthy lifestyle patterns and problems often correct themselves.
Dandruff Hair Treatment comes in a 2 oz. amber dropper bottle.
Two ounces consists of 12 teaspoons therefore each bottle can give you several hair treatments.
To make things a little easier to figure, it takes about four dropperfuls to fill one teaspoon.
Coconut Oil Hair Mask, Conditioner
Coconut oil has been used for generations and is regaining its well-deserved popularity for both cosmetic and nutritional value. Known for its ability as a hydrator to help skin and hair retain moisture, coconut oil is an excellent hair oil for all hair in need of repair, but especially beneficial for people with more porous hair. A valuable oil for those whose hair becomes dry, brittle and frizzy due to chemical treatments such as heat straightening, relaxing or coloring.
Coconut oil is derived from the mature fruit of the coconut tree, Cocos nucifera, which is native to tropical regions of the world. You only have to admire the beautiful, healthy hair of the people from these areas to discover this secret to maintaining such shimmering tresses. The oil is found inside the coconut shells. Freshly picked, the mature coconut kernel is chopped, shredded and dried to a 10% moisture content, which is then cold-pressed to extract the virgin coconut oil. Coconuts have no need to be sprayed, so all coconuts are organic.
A hair is just like a hollow hose or a tube. By penetrating this hollow hair shaft, coconut oil gives more body to hair and makes it feel full of body and shine. The hair's own moisture is retained as the coconut oil seals and prevents this moisture from escaping into the atmosphere.
By entering into the hair shaft, the hair is conditioned from within. This supplies moisture to the hair follicles which protects them from heat and environmental damage.
Our hair is make up of proteins. The usual shampoo formulations can result in protein loss during washing. Protein loss from hair results in weak and unhealthy hair. Coconut oil is unique to other oils in that it has a strong affinity for hair proteins not found elsewhere. Coconut oil is able to minimize this protein loss by its ability to seal and waterproof the hair.
The hydrophobic oil characteristics (meaning to repel water) allow it to inhibit the penetration of water. Coconut oil is able to actually bind to the natural protein structure of the hair. This helps hair retain its natural moisture.
Coconut oil achieves the best results when used as a pre-wash treatment. When hair gets wet the cuticle, or surface of the hair shaft, rises, which makes it more prone to breakage. (That is why it is best not to comb out wet hair, but to wait until your hair has dried.) As the hair naturally swells upon getting wet, a small portion of oil is absorbed into the hair fiber. Coconut oil protects by binding to the hair's inner proteins and keeps this swelling to a minimum. By inhibiting the penetration of water into the hair strands, it coats and conditions the outer cuticle layer and increases the hair fiber's pliability while reducing static electricity, thereby preventing damage and the frizzies.
Hair types such as black hair, which have more porosity problems, tend to take in more water during washing. When the hair shrinks back to normal while drying, the cuticle can split. Coconut oil helps reduce the water uptake and swelling by binding to the proteins. In keeping excess water out, the hair is under less stress as it naturally contracts to dry, resulting in less tendency for damage.
Perhaps you have heard that supposedly coconut oil makes your hair grow. Well, now we're told it is just a myth. By improving the health of your hair, there is less loss through breakage, so in reality you are just keeping your hair without it falling out by breaking off.
To use this conditioning oil/mask first you have to decide if you like it solidified or liquid. Coconut oil is solid at room temperature and begins to melt around 76 degrees.
Rinse your hair in the sink or shower before applying the oil. Towel dry only enough to remove excess water.
You can either just dip a bit out of the jar with your fingers and apply it throughout your hair. Applying it to your scalp is optional but in doing so does aid in the absorption of nutrients and relieves dry scalp flakes. Experiment with how much to use for your hair length. A little goes a long way. Should you like it in liquid form just put the jar in a warm (not hot) water bath till it softens to your liking. If needed place a towel around your shoulders to catch any drips.
Once the oil is applied, wrap a towel or pillow case around your head, relax and leave it on for at least 20 minutes, an hour or two would be great.
Then rinse your hair and shampoo. You may need to re-shampoo to get it all out of your hair so it doesn't appear oily.
This application can be repeated daily until the dryness gone or just periodically to maintain a shiny head of hair. It is up to you and your own situation.
If kept out of the sun and in a cool place your mask should last up to two years. It can be refrigerated if you prefer.
Should you have a coconut allergy, it probably would be best to avoid using this type of hair conditioner. An alternative could be the following shop listing which utilizes another favorite for hair care, jojoba oil:
Coconut Oil Hair Conditioner/Mask comes in a 4 oz. plastic jar.
Upon ordering please let me know if you would like the addition of one of the following essential oils: Lavender, Rosemary, Peppermint, Clary Sage or Lemongrass all add a bit of their own therapeutic value to the hair mask.
Just for further information:
Being coconut oil contains medium chain fatty acids, such as lauric acid, coconut oil antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral properties, here are some further uses for coconut oil:
Treat seborrheic dermatitis, a fungal condition of the scalp causing itch and flakes.
Microbial infections affecting the hair follicles.
Protect the scalp from lice infestations. Before bed, first soak your hair in vinegar and leave in to dry. Then coat your hair with coconut oil. Sleep with a shower cap to protect your bedding. The following day the nits reportedly comb out easily.
High in vitamins E and K, coconut oil nourishes the scalp. Regular scalp massages makes it easier for the hair follicles to absorb these nutrients.
Prevent and eliminate the scaly fungus of cradle cap. Simply rub a small amount all over baby's head and brush with a soft baby brush for five minutes.
A build-up of dry skin or scalp infection are usually the cause of dandruff. By moisturizing the scalp, this problem can often be prevented or eliminated.
Rashes, Eczema or Psoriasis can be relieve by rubbing coconut oil into the affected areas daily.
Back acne can be treated by applying at bedtime. Wash and dry affected area. Apply coconut oil and allow about 15 minutes for it to absorb before laying down.
Acne may seem to be aggravated by using coconut oil, but this may be the result of the skin detoxing during the first week or two of use.
Athlete's foot can be remedied by applying coconut oil to the affected area twice a day.
Fungal Fighter Foot & Groin Powder
Long hours spent in sweaty sneakers or shoes can also promote fungal infections.
Fungal Fighter Powder is loaded with herbs and essential oils with anti-fungal and antimicrobial disinfectants.
Black walnut, yarrow and chamomile are useful first aid herbs in that they have antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties.
Zinc oxide may be familiar in that it is often added to ointments for skin rashes and moist, itchy skin conditions.
Essential oils include: Tea tree oil, niaouli, bergamot, cypress, lavender and thuja. The therapeutic value of these essential oils range from treating fungal infections, itchy inflamed skin, broken skin in need of repair as well offering a solution for foot odor.
Fungal Fighter Powder is a talc free formula, therefore there is no need for concern about the presence of asbestos. Arrowroot, baking soda and kaolin clay powder are all used for their moisture absorbing, skin softening and deodorizing properties.
Though often used for body powders, cornstarch is not used for this foot powder because cornstarch seems to "feed" the rash and make it worse.
The best way to deal with a tinea infection is to keep the area dry and well ventilated.
After showering, dry feet thoroughly. For optimal results, blow dry your feet with a blow dryer, especially in between the toes.
Pair this powder with our Fungal Fighter Salts Foot Bath
If you choose to soak your feet, dry them thoroughly afterward, then use a foot conditioning pumice type tool to scrape peeling, rough skin and callouses.
Those dealing with athlete's foot should not take baths. This could spread the fungal infection and add jock itch to your discomfort.
Avoid nylon socks; wool or cotton is better able to whisk away perspiration. Keep the area between the toes as dry as possible.
Apply Fungal Fighter Powder as needed to help with a current infection or on a regular basis as a preventative measure.
Sprinkle the powder inside shoes as well.
Fungal Fighter Powder comes in a 6 oz plastic shaker type bottle
Fungal Fighter Salts Foot Bath

Long hours spent in sweaty sneakers or shoes can also promote fungal infections. Athlete's foot fungus needs moisture and darkness to grow. This fungus thrives in the warm moist skin between toes that are trapped in humid, dark shoes.
The best way to deal with a tinea infection is to keep the feet dry and well ventilated.
Life being what it is we must wear shoes, therefore getting rid of these tormenting infections can be very difficult.
Epsom and sea salts are very therapeutic for pampering sore, itchy feet. Disinfecting, cleansing and detoxifying, salt baths relax, soothe and reduce inflammation. Salt has long been used as a healing agent.
Tea tree oil has quite a reputation as a strong antifungal and antiseptic remedy for wounds, foot and nail problems.
Lavender also has these antifungal and antiseptic properties, but in addition helps with inflammation and damaged tissue. Smells wonderful and helps you relax.
Peppermint is stimulating, cleansing and cooling. This minty oil helps relieve the itching associated with the tinea fungus.
These foot baths should ideally be done twice a day. Get a basin deep enough that when you add the warm water your ankles will be covered. You'll probably need from 1 - 2 gallons of warm water. Add water first, then 1 heaping TBSP of salt mixture. The addition of the essentials add potency to the salts so not as much is needed than if you just add your own salt.
Keep you feet immersed for about 15 minutes.
It is very important that you dry your feet thoroughly when finished.
For these foot baths as well as after showering, blow dry your feet with a blow dryer, especially in between the toes.
Continue to use this salt water foot bath daily until the fungus is gone.
If desired, follow up with a foot conditioning pumice type tool to scrape the peeling, rough patches and calloused skin.
Those dealing with athlete's foot should not take baths. This could spread the fungal infection and add jock itch (tinea cruris) to your discomfort.
Keep in mind that stress tends to worsen these fungal infections.
Avoid nylon socks; wool or cotton is better able to whisk away perspiration. Keep the area between the toes as dry as possible. Periodically let your feet breathe by going barefoot or wearing flip flops.
Pair this salt remedy with our Fungal Fighter Foot Powder and you'll be prepared to prevent or treat these infections should you be susceptible in the future.
Fungal Fighter Salts Foot Bath comes in an 8 oz. size plastic jar which will weigh about 12 oz.. Included is a plastic scoop that holds about 1 1/2 TBSP.
Liniment Rub St. Johnswort Sprain and Strain Massage Oil
Joint and muscle pain can be either acute or a chronic condition.
Using a muscle in an unaccustomed manner can result in a strain or a sprain. The difference between the two is a sprain occurs at the joints when ligaments are overstretched.
Strains are when the muscles or the tendons that hold the muscles are torn or pulled too hard.
Whatever the cause it is usually inevitable that following an acute injury, pain, swelling and limitation of function will follow.
The most immediate thing to do is the RICE treatment which is rest, ice, compression and elevation. Any concerns as to the severity of the damage should be appeased by a visit to your physician.
Once released to your own means of healing an herbal anti-inflammatory liniment can be very effective at relieving the swelling, discoloration and pain.
Neuralgia or nerve pain can be caused by pressure on the nerve as a result of an injury or from what is termed Repetitive Strain Syndrome. This covers a wide range of conditions which develop as a result of doing the same motions continuously to the point of damaging muscles and joints. Without treatment and a change in the way we work, RSS can become a chronic condition.
Chronic pain is usually something we just have to manage. Conditions without a known cure can rely on herbal remedies to help improve one's quality of life. Perhaps not as strong as prescription drugs in relieving pain, at least you won't have to deal with addictive or mind dulling side effects. Herbs and essential oils are like a team of allies who all help out using their own attributes.
They help heal your nervous system rather than only suppressing the pain.
The chosen herb for this oil base is a yellow wayside wildflower called St. Johnswort. Named after John the Baptist, this flower is sought out after the summer solstice. After a two month infusion period and much anticipation it is ready to offer us its anti-inflammatory, anti-viral, and anti-bacterial benefits. These attributes are from high concentrations of the chemical component, hypericin. This red juice is what gives the oil its wonderful red color.
St. Johnswort helps you recover when your nerves are inflamed or damaged because this herb is a nervous system relaxant.
For sore, stiff muscles, St. Johnswort acts as a cellular oxygenator that helps remove lactic acid build-up in muscles and can release nerve tension.
Chamomile, marjoram, lavender, eucalyptus and ginger are added in the form of essential oils.
Ginger is wonderful in that it increases blood circulation for warming the joints and enhances tissue repair.
Chamomile serves as an anti-inflammatory and excellent relaxant as it calms and soothes achy muscles and joints.
Lavender stimulates healing while at the same time relaxes muscles. A great companion with chamomile.
Marjoram is great for tired, stiff muscles and spasms. Definite tonic for the nerves.
Eucalyptus is often used for nervous system, muscular and skeletal conditions. It acts as an analgesic for nerves as well as helps to remove toxins in the joints.
Sprain, Strain & Nerve St. Johnswort Liniment is more potent than typical massage oils. It is bottled in a 2 oz. amber glass dropper bottle. Apply as needed to specified areas. The rubbing action into the skin creates friction, which in turn increases the muscle relaxing sensation of heat.
Chronic conditions should be under a physician's supervision.
Meadow Muffin Gardens is the result of a passion to recognize the abundance of natural gifts provided to us by our Creator. Our desire is to utilize the healing power of plants and encourage people to educate themselves towards a greener footprint in their lives.
We supply an alternative choice for personal care products. We are not intending to treat or cure any particular condition. As with any herbal remedy, information and formulas have not been regulated by the FDA. Herbal lore has been trusted and handed down through the years but it is within your discretion how you use this information in treating a condition. Meadow Muffin Gardens does not take responsibility for your use of these products. Ingredients are listed so you as the consumer can use your own discretion as to which herbs, oils and essential oils may be beneficial to your needs.
Plantain All-Purpose Coconut Balm
When a family member has a need for a salve, be it for baby bottom rash, chapped hands, scraped knees, skin flair-up or bug bites, you don't want to take time to research which of the assortment in your medicine cabinet is best for the situation.
Plantain All-Purpose Herbal Balm (formally Plantain Coconut Balm) can become your trusty source for anyone in the family to use with confidence in its safety and reliability.
Plantain is a lowly "weed" we see in lawns and wayside places. One of those wild herbs we step on without a thought but should you suffer a bee or bug bite look for the fresh plant, wad a leaf into a poultice to get the juices flowing and apply to the bite. Take note how quickly the pain of the sting is neutralized.
Infused in olive oil to draw out its astringent and antimicrobial qualities, plantain is combined with the wonders of chamomile. Chamomile is so very gentle and used extensively in the care of inflamed skin conditions. It is said that chamomile is so good at calming down inflammatory skin conditions that it is useful for eczema sufferers.
The second option for this balm is to use lavender and rosemary essential oils instead of the chamomile. This choice is simply a personal preference or an alternative for those who have a ragweed allergy and cannot tolerate chamomile.
Unless you let me know upon ordering, the balm will be as pictured with the chamomile essential oil.
Lavender and Rosemary essential oils are a great aromatic combination but their use in this salve goes beyond how it smells. Lavender is a relief for itchy bug bites, sunburn, blemishes; the list goes on. Rosemary is added for its aid in relieving tired, cold or stiff hands.
Coconut oil acts as an emulsifier and helps stiffen the cream, but its known in skin care for its cooling effects for inflamed or burn remedies. Coconut oil contains antifungal and antibacterial properties from the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid. Known for its ability to help skin retain moisture, this wonderful hydrator is often used for chronic dry skin and as a hair conditioner.
Coconut oil is a solid at room temperature but loosens in warmer conditions. Just keep a mental note that this salve may appear a bit creamier during the summer months.
Plantain All-Purpose Herbal Balm comes in a 2 oz. jar
For further information you may want to read this informative article from Native Natural Remedies:
Plantain (Plantago major, L., aka. Plantago Major, Ripple Grass, Wagbread and White Man’s Foot) is one of the world’s most common herbs. It offers many health benefits. Also known as the “Mother of Herbs,” plantain grows on most lawns, along with common dandelions. It is one of the top three common medicinal herbs along with dandelion and chicory. Most plantain plants have leaves with veins that fork outward from a central midrib. Plantain does not have a blossom, it only has a compact seed head that shoots upward and turns from green to brown as the seeds mature.
Plantain is both edible and medicinal, and it is a first-choice remedy for many skin ailments. All parts of the plant, including the seeds, are usable. The herb plantain is not related to the cooking banana, often known as a Mexican or Spanish banana.
The plantain herb is helpful for incontinence in children and elderly adults. It is an excellent astringent to stop bleeding and promote the healing of cuts, skin infections and poison ivy. The root of plantain can be chewed to ease the pain of toothaches.
It is safe and effective for bee stings, bleeding, bruises, insect bites, hemorrhoids, and itchy skin. When used as an appetite suppressant, it may even lower cholesterol.
Plantain can be used as poultice, you can chop a plantain leaf with a knife or other sharp instrument, add a little water and apply it to a wound. For an emergency treatment when camping or at the park you can make a poultice for insect bites and bee stings from the leaves of the plantain plant by chewing a plantain leaf, placing it on the wound, and covering it with a band-aid or strip of cloth to hold it in place. A plantain poultice can also be used for drawing out splinters or thorns.
According to “The Little Herb Encyclopedia,” by Jack Ritchason, “It is used to treat hemorrhoids, snakebites and coughs. Plantain is an excellent remedy in kidney and bladder problems and an effective remedy for poisonous bites and stings. The poison of fresh stings is extracted rapidly (often within an hour’s time) by the use of a Plantain poultice (179).”
Below is a bit of information for dermatitis and psoriasis sufferers:
According to, Psoriasis is a skin condition that affects the life cycle of skin cells. As a result, skin cells build up rapidly and form thick crusty patches. These patches can be unsightly and can be itchy and irritating to the sufferer. According to, psoriasis can be helped by taking cod liver oil. It is believed by the medical community that EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid), which is an omega-3 fatty acid present in fish oil, restricts the growth of inflammatory-inducing agents that can cause psoriasis. Applying fish oil topically can help to relieve this skin condition.
According to, dermatitis is a skin condition that is marked by inflammation of the skin. It can include different types such as sebhorrheic dermatitis and atopic dermatitis or eczema. It causes red swollen and itchy skin to develop. Dermatitis can be controlled and treated by using omega-3 fatty acids such as cod liver oil. According to, cod liver oil contains anti-inflammatory properties that can improve skin rashes such as dermatitis. Applying cod liver oil directly to the rash or simply taking a supplement as directed by your physician or dermatologist may help to improve this irritating skin condition.
Read more:
PMS Mensus Misery Massage Oil
The essential oil blend in our Mensus Misery Massage Oil can help relax tight muscles, reduce swelling and help get through PMS.
Menstrual cramps are a fact of life for many women. It is said the pain could be due to low calcium levels, low Vit. B6, stress and and an increase in the hormonelike substance called prostaglandin 2 secreted by the uterine lining. Abdominal and back pain is caused by spasms as the uterus contracts.
The chosen herb for this oil base is a yellow wayside wildflower called St. Johnswort. Named after John the Baptist, this flower is sought out after the summer solstice. After a two month infusion period and much anticipation it is ready to offer us its anti-inflammatory properties. These attributes are from high concentrations of the chemical component, hypericin. By helping to release spinal pain and nerve tension it is valuable as a massage oil. St. Johnswort acts as a cellular oxygenator that helps remove lactic acid build-up in muscles and can release nerve tension.
Chamomile, marjoram, ylang ylang, cypress, and helichrysum are added in the form of potent essential oils.
Chamomile serves as an anti-inflammatory and excellent relaxant as it calms and soothes achy muscles and joints.
Marjoram is great for tired, stiff muscles and spasms. Definite tonic for the nerves.
Ylang ylang is soothing to the nervous system and is often helpful in easing muscle spasms and a general comfort.
Cypress has a detoxifying effect on the whole body and can decrease the excessive flow of fluids as can be the case with menstruation.
Helichrysum is prized for its many attributes in treating skin disorders as well as an aid in reducing inflammation and muscle spasms.
For best results, begin using this oil blend a few days before the onset of your menstrual period. Apply to abdomen and back as needed. The addition of a hot water bottle or heating pad further relaxes tight muscles.
Try to eliminate sugar, fatty foods, alcohol and caffeine from your diet at least the week before your cycle begins. Yoga or light stretching can do wonders for cramps.
If you experience extremely painful periods, consult your physician to rule out an underlying condition.
Mensus Misery Massage Oil comes in a 2 oz glass dropper bottle.
Herbal Garlic Ear Oil
Watchful waiting can be the better method of handling middle-ear infections in our children. It is said the most frequent reason for children's antibiotic use in the U.S. is for ear infections.
good read
In a parent's attempt to avoid the overuse of pain relievers, decongestants, antihistamines and antibiotics, it may be in the child's best interest to try long trusted herbal remedies for pain relief and see if the infection resolves itself.
The structure of a child's ear and the fact that their young immune systems are still immature, they are more prone to infection. The eustachian tube connects the middle-ear cavity to the throat, their purpose being to maintain air pressure in and drain fluids from the middle ear. In young children these tubes are shorter and smaller, therefore increasing the likelihood of improper drainage and irritation from allergies and microorganisms. Infection and inflammation can develop which results in pain.
Garlic fights bacterial infection by being a natural antibiotic. It also works against fungal infection. Before the Age of Antibiotics with the discovery of penicillin in 1928 by Alexander Fleming, garlic was relied heavily upon for the treatment of infection. The source ingredient in this wonder herb was discovered in the 1920's when researchers at Sandoz Pharmaceuticals in Switzerland isolated alliin. When garlic is chopped or chewed, the alliin comes in contact with a garlic enzyme, allinase, which transforms it into another chemical, allicin, a powerful antibiotic.
Calendula has anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and antiviral properties and is so very gentle.
Mullein flowers have long been added to olive oil as an ear oil to help reduce pain, inflammation and fight bacteria.
St. Johnswort also contains antibacterial properties and helps with the inflammation. The buds and flowers contain hypericin, a treasure responsible for the plants healing powers.
Antibiotics are a godsend when truly needed, but the problem is that while antibiotics do destroy harmful bacteria the friendly bacteria that normally fights against the colonization of the bad guys is also destroyed. Overuse of such antibiotics increases bacterial resistance, which means the antibiotics may become ineffective.
We want our child's system to build immunity by being able to recognize and mount a response to invaders. However, if you suspect your child is not improving after a day or two, don't hesitate to go to your physician. If there is dizziness, nausea and vomiting it may be a problem with the inner ear which is not the time for home remedies. These ear drops should not be used if the eardrum is perforated, if something is lodged in the ear or if there is drainage.
Don't use oil in the ears if the problem is swimmer's ear. The ear canal has to dry out therefore oil can make things worse.
Herbal remedies can help reduce the frequency and severity but if your child continues to develop these infections seek the advise of your doctor for further testing and check for food allergies.
To use the Herbal Garlic Ear Drops:
Warm the bottle in a pan of hot water a few minutes to warm the oil. Shake and test on your arm so it is not hot. Apply 2 drops to both ears (adding to the other ear will help protect it as well). Gently rub around the outside of the ear to work in the drops. Plug the ear opening with a bit of cotton so the oil doesn't just drain out. Elevate your child's head and turn on a humidifier. A warm, moist washcloth held over the inflamed ear can be very beneficial as well. Apply the ear oil a few times a day during the infection.
Store the oil in the refrigerator to extend its shelf life up to 2 years.
Herbal Garlic Ear Drops come in a 1 oz. glass amber dropper bottle
Further information about mullein from the Flower Essence Services (FES):
The upright gesture of the Mullein conveys something of its inner quality. It is a flower that teaches the power of conscience – the courage to tell the truth, to be “upright” in our character and to allow this Light to guide our actions. It is significant that one of the well-known herbal uses for Mullein is a oil infusion of the flowers to heal ear-aches and ear congestion. This physical quality that addresses the ears, is related to a moral quality in the soul – the ability of the “inner ear” or conscience to speak to us.
Mullein is a much needed flower essence throughout life - it is often used to help children who may learn patterns of lying through family or cultural influence. It is an important remedy in many phases of adult life – for we live in a culture that often rewards dishonesty, illusion and deception – in the workplace as well as in personal relationships.
When we lie, a quality in the very core of the soul is depleted. On the other hand, the courage to be truthful imparts a strong candle-like force of light in the soul.
“And you will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32). This teaching is the very essence of Mullein.
Pain Relief Anti-Inflammatory Bath Oil
Are you paying the price for overdoing it and now suffer from sore, overexerted muscles?
Is chronic pain from Arthritis, Systemic Lupus or just feeling worn out pulling down your spirits?
Happiness is sinking into a hot bath when everything hurts. Benefit from the combination of the heat of the water, the soothing water itself, and the wonderful, effective essential oils known for their anti-inflammatory qualities.
The chosen essential oils for this blend are lavender, eucalyptus, juniper and chamomile. All contain anti-inflammatory properties which means they help reduce inflammation, pain and swelling in the joints and muscle tissues. Useful for relaxing those muscle spasms, pounding headaches and the aches of arthritis or joint inflammation Elimination of bodily toxins and fluid retention are both helped along by the increase in circulation.
The carrier oil is a combination of olive, sweet almond, apricot seed, jojoba, and wheat germ oils. This balanced blend is good for most skin types. Not too heavy or light, these oils are soothing and skin softening. The jojoba and wheat germ oils also help prevent oxidation and extend the shelf life.
Our skin absorbs essential oils within 20 minutes while the carrier oil will remain to soften and moisturize. Don't be surprised if you find the aroma doesn't seem as strong after a period of time. The nose will stop registering as it becomes tired of the stimulation. Essential oil molecules continue to work long after our sense of smell stops detecting them. Should someone else enter the room they would definitely smell the aromatics.
In aromatherapy, the difference between a bath oil and a massage or body oil is the concentration of the essential oils. Bath oils contain a more greater amount of essential oils.
To use a bath oil, fill the tub first and then add about 2 tsp. of oil. Swirl it around to disperse throughout the water and then get in. This 4 oz. bottle contains enough for about 10 - 12 baths.
When you squeeze the rubber dropper top it will fill about half way. Doing this twice will give you about 1/2 tsp. Four times will give you 1 tsp.
Once the water cools, get out before you get a chill and stiffen up again. Hopefully the edge of the pain will be gone. Relaxation and rest can do wonders. Be careful if the tub is slippery.
Enjoy how soft your skin is from these rich bath oils.
Anit-Inflammatory Bath Oil comes in an amber 4 oz. glass dropper bottle. 4 oz. plastic pump or squeeze bottle available upon request.
Aches n' Pain Relief Anti-Inflammatory Body and Massage Oil
Certain essential oils have anti-inflammatory properties beneficial for muscle and joint pain relief.
Whether it be the result of stress, over-exertion, chronic pain or simply wear and tear from age, our bodies send a clear hurts.
Inflammation is the body's reaction to irritation, injury or infection. The resulting symptoms are pain, swelling, reddening of the skin color and perhaps diminished freedom of movement.
Long days on our feet, poor posture hunched over at a desk, carrying heavy loads, all puts strain on our necks, backs and knees. These are very touchy areas in our physical make-up and need to be respected.
A flexible, stretched spine is very important. Tension and compression in the vertebrae creates blocked energy and painful pressure points which we feel as tight knots of pain.
Crimps in the neck are not pleasant, especially when they get so tight we can't turn our heads with ease.
The power of touch can do wonders to work out those hard, ropey, knots in our strands of muscle. You don't necessarily need another person or a massage therapist to benefit from a massage. Whatever area you can reach will appreciate a good deep kneading to work out those painful points. Use kneading motions as you apply an anti-inflammatory massage oil blend into your neck, shoulders, lower back, calves or your own feet. In fact, one of the most effective forms of utilizing essential oils is to apply them to the soles of the feet where they are easily absorbed throughout the bodily system.
Should you have assistance for your back, enjoy the warm, flowing motion of their touch as the anti-inflammatory properties of the essential oils in this oil blend help you relax and find relief.
The chosen essential oils for this blend are lavender, eucalyptus, juniper and chamomile. All contain anti-inflammatory properties which means they help reduce inflammation, pain and swelling in the joints and muscle tissues. Useful for relaxing those muscle spasms, the aches of arthritis, and tension headaches. Elimination of bodily toxins and fluid retention are both helped along by the increase in circulation.
Carrier oils used are almond and jojoba oils. Almond oil is very popular for massage oils because it is nourishing, gentle and glides easily over the skin. It absorbs quickly but not fast enough that you feel you'll need to stop and reach for the dropper bottle. Jojoba oil is very similar to our natural skin oils and easily penetrates and nourishes. Should you have a nut allergy and need a nut free oil convo me and we'll use another blend.
For use on the feet as in reflexology or just a good foot massage you will only need a dropper or two (1/2 tsp) amount per foot.
For a full back or body massage you may need 2 - 3 tsp.
When you squeeze the rubber dropper top it will fill about half way. Doing this twice will give you about 1/2 tsp. Four times will give you 1 tsp.
As a body oil for moisturizing be your own judge how much is needed, but for best results apply when the skin is slightly damp, such as after a bath or shower.
Our skin absorbs essential oils while the carrier oil will remain to soften and moisturize. Don't be surprised if you find the aroma doesn't seem as strong after a period of time. The nose will stop registering as it becomes tired of the stimulation. Essential oil molecules continue to work long after our sense of smell stops detecting them. Should someone else enter the room they would definitely smell the aromatics.
Such relaxation techniques as massage just may reward you with an improved temperament, less irritability, and a more restful night's sleep.
Anti-Inflammatory Massage and Body Oil comes in a 4 oz. amber glass dropper bottle. Should you prefer a white plastic pump or pop up type bottle let me know.
Liniment Rosemary Oil Pain & Warming Massage Oil
Rosemary has long been depended upon for relief from rheumatic and muscular pain. This sharp, earthy smelling herb is also especially useful for warming up cold hands and feet stiff from cold weather.
Joint and sore-muscle liniments from long ago utilized rosemary as their basic ingredient. A story is told of Queen Elizabeth of Hungary back in 1235 seeking the formulas of an old hermit. What she discovered was the various uses of rosemary in either oil or vinegar for both medical and cosmetic purposes.
Rosemary needles are infused in cold-pressed olive oil for several weeks after which it is strained and with the addition of essential oils, becomes a potent liniment convenient for both the medicine cabinet as well as the gym bag.
Prior to strenuous physical activity, it is important to warm up your muscles and keep them supple. The application of a liniment before exercise increases blood flow thereby helps to warm up the muscles and decrease the chance of injury.
Should there be pain from over-exercised muscles, liniments can also help after soreness has set in. The muscles need to rest and relax.
Liniments have a way of tricking the brain. Pain creates a loop between the area of pain and the message to the brain reinforcing this pain. The focus on the pain makes it hard for the muscles to relax. The combination of the liniment and the friction caused by the rubbing application from our hands creates an increase in heat. This provides an opportunity for the muscles to relax. Certain plants activate both hot and cold nerve impulses in the skin. The contrast between the two makes a liniment seem hotter than it actually is.
Various essential oils are added to the oil base to provide a sensation of heat along with muscle relaxants. Eucalyptus and peppermint are penetrating as they activate both hot and cold nerve impulses. Ginger, marjoram, thyme and rosemary all help relax the muscles as they stimulate circulation. Cinnamon and cloves are warming and stimulating, creating the "hot" which is why some liniments need to be regarded with respect.
*** Be aware of possible skin sensitivity and do not get the liniment near your eyes.****
***Joint and muscle pain can be caused by either an acute or a chronic condition.***
Should the muscle pain continue or you experience swelling, you may have an injury beyond just overexertion.
Acute injuries such as sprains and strains may need immediate care such as the RICE treatment which is rest, ice, compression and elevation. See your physician if you have any doubts as to the severity of the injury.
Once released to your own means of healing an herbal anti-inflammatory liniment can be very effective at relieving the swelling, discoloration and pain.
Liniments can temporarily relieve inflammatory joint pain but chronic inflammatory conditions should be monitored by your physician.
Rosemary Oil Pain Relief Liniment comes in a 2 oz. glass amber dropper bottle.
Use as needed by applying a small amount and use a rubbing action to create friction.
Look for skin sensitivity. May be too irritating for delicate skin.
If you are pregnant, have epilepsy or high blood pressure please check with your physician before using this liniment.
Not for use on young children. Keep out of the reach of children.
Keep liniment out of direct sunlight. Sunlight will break down the properties of the essential oils.
Meadow Muffin Gardens is the result of a passion to recognize the abundance of natural gifts provided to us by our Creator. Our desire is to utilize the healing power of plants and encourage people to educate themselves towards a greener footprint in their lives.
We supply an alternative choice for personal care products. We are not intending to treat or cure any particular condition. As with any herbal remedy, information and formulas have not been regulated by the FDA. Herbal lore has been trusted and handed down through the years but it is within your discretion how you use this information in treating a condition. Meadow Muffin Gardens does not take responsibility for your use of these products. Ingredients are listed so you as the consumer can use your own discretion as to which herbs, oils and essential oils may be beneficial to your needs.
Sinus and Chest Vapor Rub Relief for Cold and Flu season
Symptoms can be relieved with herbal remedies. Our Sinus and Chest Vapor Rub can help fight infection and relieve sinus and lung congestion.
If you look at commercial vapor balms,you'll notice they probably contain ingredients such as thymol, menthol, and eucalyptol. These are components of the essential oils: thyme, mint, and eucalyptus.
A common remedy often used is wintergreen (menthyl salicylate). Wintergreen is left out of our balm as menthyl slaicylate is similar to aspirin and we felt it best not to be used on children.
A very effective, alternate method of application enabling the thyme, eucalyptus and peppermint to reach the bronchial capillaries is to apply the balm to the soles of the feet. This is advised for young children who may find the balm's aroma too strong.
If using the Chest Vapor Rub on a child under 30 months of age it is advised to use it on the soles of the feet. Essential oils rich in menthol as is peppermint, should not be used on the throat or neck area of children under 30 months of age.
This vapor balm can be applied onto the chest, back or feet. Should you want to increase its warming action lay a warm piece of flannel over the area.
An option to help open clogged sinuses is to apply just a bit under the nose.
A viral infection has to run its course but if you help things along you may find it easier to breathe and lessen those headaches.
Sinus and Chest Vapor Rub comes in a 2 oz. white plastic jar
Breastfeeding Breast/Nipple Salve

Valuable as both an all-purpose healing salve for minor wound care or rashes, this balm is also ideal for sore breasts and nipples due to breastfeeding. Another salve in the shop is our Healing Balm which contains calendula and comfrey, both great for healing, but I doubt your baby would appreciate the taste of comfrey should some residue remain behind and he/she gets a taste while nursing. A nice way to describe the smell of comfrey oil is very "green" or earthy.
In ancient times, flowers that followed the sun by opening and closing according to the solar progression were called "brides of the sun". A member of the compositae family, Calendula was one of these sacred flowers symbolizing life and deliverance.
Known as a wound herb, Calendula is an anti-inflammatory and helps prevent the formation of scar tissue. It is good for wounds that are healing poorly and soothing the rash of eczema. Stimulating to the body's lymphatic system, Calendula can also be applied to swollen lymph nodes.
Pot marigold is not related to the common garden Marigold.
Calendula is a wonderful ally in treating your pet for not only wounds but to help clear up problems with eczema and hot spots. The challenge with using any salve on an animal is keeping it there long enough to do its job before being licked clean. This herbal balm contains nothing that would harm your pet if ingested. Though your mommy dog may just lick it off, it is worth a shot in using for nursing dogs as well.
Apply as needed and wipe off excess before nursing. Calendula, olive oil, beeswax and vit. E are safe if some residue gets ingested by baby.
It is always best to check with your physician before using an herbal product.
Calendula Breast Salve comes in a 2 oz. plastic jar
Below is a source of great information regarding lactation and breastfeeding, written by trusted herbalist Susun S. Weed
Dandelion Flower Balm Salve PMS relief, Muscle Pain Relief
Dandelions are probably the first wildflower children get to pick, touch, smell and appreciate. It is such a shame that the desire for a manicured lawn has labeled this medicinally valuable plant with such a tarnished reputation.
Think pink next time you see yellow!
According to beloved and trusted herbalist, Susan Weed, the dandelion has a special affinity for breasts. Used regularly, this golden yellow balm can help to relieve premenstrual soreness, soften thickened breast tissue, reduce cysts in the breasts and relieve impacted milk glands.
It is said to release blocked energy and pent up emotions. What better time to do just that! If you are one to relate to flowers, just think how free and uninhibited the dandelion is by showing up wherever it darn well pleases.
Regular breast massages are not only beneficial to detect any trouble, but great therapeutically for building a better self-image and strengthen the immune system in our fight against cancer. Apply this Dandelion Balm to the entire breast area and let yourself relax.
Dandelion flower oil is also good for relieving the pain from stiff necks, back tension, weepy skin sores and sinus headaches. As are many herbal salves, they have many uses. Use this balm for chapped hands, skin rashes and eczema.
Should you choose to use for sore, cracked nipples from breastfeeding, wipe off any salve before your baby latches on to feed.
Folk medicine praises the entire plant, including the roots. The salts in dandelion act to neutralize the acids in the blood, therefore considered a cleansing tonic. Taken in tea form, tincture or as salad greens, it is used to stimulate a sluggish liver and has has long had the reputation as a treatment for jaundice and gallstones. Its diuretic action not only helps with PMS and menstrual bloating, but with swollen feet, high blood pressure and congestive heart failure. If you are taking prescription diuretics, check with your doctor before adding dandelion to your diet.
Dandelion Flower Balm comes in a 2 oz. plastic jar
Wound or Rash Salve Herbal Healing
In ancient times, flowers that followed the sun by opening and closing according to the solar progression were called "brides of the sun". A member of the compositae family, Calendula was one of these sacred flowers symbolizing life and deliverance.
Known as a wound herb, Calendula is an anti-inflammatory and helps prevent the formation of scar tissue. It is good for wounds that are healing poorly and soothing the irritation of various skin conditions. Stimulating to the body's lymphatic system, Calendula can also be applied to swollen lymph nodes.
Calendula is a wonderful ally in treating your pet for not only wounds but to help clear up problems with eczema and hot spots. The challenge with using any salve on an animal is keeping it there long enough to do its job before being licked clean. This herbal balm contains nothing that would harm your pet if ingested.
Comfrey has the reputation of being a living medicine chest. A member of the Borage family, this herb was known as the plant that can join back together what has come apart, be it broken bones or tissue repair. Bearing the sign of the planet Saturn, it stands for the joining, hardening energies.
High in silicic acid Comfrey can reduce swelling, bruising and strengthen ligaments and tendons. Also known for its allantoin content, a crystalline oxidation product of uric acid, Comfrey stimulates and accelerates tissue repair. For this reason if using on deeper wounds apply on the second or third day of healing. The cell-proliferate action of the allantoin in comfrey may cause the skin to close too quickly, causing the outer skin to heal before the inner wound is ready. Wounds need to heal from the inside out.
Wash and disinfect the wounded area before applying a salve. Cover with a bandage to keep clean.
Balm comes in a 2 oz. jar.
Avocado Calendula Intense Skin Care Body Butter
Skin as soft as a baby's bottom. With proper care and attention our skin can remain smooth and supple whether it be in preparation for summer clothes or the dry indoor air of winter.
Baby Soft Body Butter consists of moisturizers heavier than those used for lotions. Cocoa and Shea Butters are rich butters known as the ultimate moisturizers. Containing Vitamins A and E as well as high in fatty acids, they are very healing for rough, dry skin in need of some extra attention. With regular use you may even notice that stretch marks begin to fade.
Dermatitis and eczema sufferers should find soothing relief for cracked, patchy skin and damage from scratching. Being a chronic inflammatory condition, eczema flares come and go. A physician's care is often needed to keep the crawly itch at bay, but repairing the skin can certainly be helped along with home care.
The pulp of an avocado produces a rich penetrating oil wonderful for dry skin but needs to be mixed with a lighter oil, therefore we choose olive oil infused with the nourishing benefits of calendula flowers. Calendula, also known as pot marigold, has traditionally been grown in medicinal gardens for generations. Skin inflammation, wounds and sunburn, all benefit from the healing wonder of this herbal flower.
Geranium essential oil is added for its valuable aid in the treatment of cellulite as well as being good for all skin types. A favorite among essential oils for women.
Lavender essential oil is useful for many skin conditions such as eczema, inflammation as well as a help to fade those stretch marks. Called the "jack of all trades" in essential oils.
And last, rosewater concentrate is a welcome addition to any skin care product and included for its astringent effects on the capillaries to help reduce thread veins.
The consistency of this body butter varies with the room temperature. Though the product is fine warmer temperatures will result in a temporary softer butter.
Apply all over your body as desired.
By wearing cotton gloves or cotton socks on hands and/or feet while you sleep, you can enhance the healing and softening properties of a good moisturizer.
Be aware that those allergic to nuts or latex may have a reaction to shea butter.
Baby Soft Body Butter comes in a 4 oz. plastic jar
Chickweed Herbal Salve
Chickweed Herbal Salve is a definite must for the home or travel first aid kit. Combining the powerful properties of three wonderful herbs, chickweed, comfrey, and plantain, this salve can offer relief for skin rashes, itchy insect bites and minor wound care.
Ideal and safe for children and pets as there is little likelihood it will burn upon application and nothing is added that would be toxic if your pet licked it off.
Chickweed is Stellaria media which in latin means little star. The little white flowers appear to be made up of five petals but look closer and you'll see each petal has a cleft to become ten little slivers. Chickweed is one of those creeper plants often cursed by gardeners when it "invades" the garden as it self-sows very rapidly. Once the summer heat builds these flower patches seem to just disappear.
Preferring cool, moist soil, this plant is sought out by foragers as a mineral rich salad green to cleanse and strengthen the body; very nourishing to the glandular and lymphatic systems.
For topical use, chickweed is often used fresh as a poultice for any sort of skin inflammation, rash, eye irritation due to allergies, or aid to draw out infection. This cooling plant absorbs the heat while reducing the swelling and inflammation. To use as an ointment, the fresh plant is infused in olive oil for several weeks, after which it can be used alone or combined with other healing herbs. For this salve we added comfrey and plantain.
Comfrey has the reputation of being a living medicine chest. A member of the Borage family, this herb was known as the plant that can join back together what has come apart, be it broken bones or tissue repair. Bearing the sign of the planet Saturn, it stands for the joining, hardening energies.
High in silicic acid comfrey can reduce swelling, bruising and strengthen ligaments and tendons. Also known for its allantoin content, a crystalline oxidation product of uric acid, comfrey stimulates and accelerates tissue repair. For this reason if using on deeper wounds apply on the second or third day of healing. The cell-proliferate action of the allantoin in comfrey may cause the skin to close too quickly, causing the outer skin to heal before the inner wound is ready. Wounds need to heal from the inside out.
Plantain is another "lowly weed" often at the other end of the gardener's hoe in attempts to eradicate it out of the lawn. One of those wild herbs we step on without a thought but should you suffer a bee or bug bite look for the fresh plant, wad a leaf into a poultice to get the juices flowing and apply to the bite. Take note how quickly the pain of the sting is neutralized.
Plantain, or Plantago major, is known as the "Mother of Herbs". It offers many health benefits. Plantain is both edible and a valuable aid for skin conditions. Containing astringent properties, it is used to stop bleeding, promote healing for wound care and ease the misery of bug bites.
Chickweed Herbal Salve comes in a 2 oz. plastic jar.
Cleanse and dry affected area and apply salve as needed.
Body Butter, Shea & Coconut Oil Fluff, Moisturizer, Geranium, Lavender, Bergamot
Don't let your skin feel rough and dry as tree bark!
Body butter recipes can vary with many choices of therapeutic oils and butters. Shea and Coconut Fluff Moisturizing Body Butter utilizes two basic ingredients for intensive skin care: shea butter and coconut oil. No added water!
Whipped to achieve a fluffy, non-greasy consistency, this combination is a suburb moisturizer for both face and body. A soothing aid for skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, Shea and Coconut Fluff helps moisturize and heal.
Shea butter comes from karite nut trees found in Africa. Some call shea butter African cocoa butter. These nuts are crushed and boiled to extract the sought after fat.
It is a heavy butter, but once it penetrates the skin this method of skin care is very therapeutic for healing and moisturizing dry, sensitive skin and even helps fade those fine lines. Its anti-inflammatory properties and fatty acid content aid in the relief of damage done by scratching skin bothered by eczema and psoriasis.
Coconut oil is found inside coconut shells. To extract this oil the coconut meat is crushed and heated in boiling water. The floating oil is then skimmed off and collected. Coconut oil melts above temperatures of 76 degrees, therefore this body butter will soften if exposed to heat.
Known for its ability to help skin retain moisture, this wonderful hydrator is often used for chronic dry skin and as a hair conditioner. Also a plus, coconut oil contains antifungal and antibacterial properties from the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid.
Essential oils chosen for this silky butter are:
Geranium, Lavender, and Bergamot
These oils serve double duty. They are great for skin rejuvenation and balancing sebum production, therefore good for all skin types.
Beneficial for the psyche, these essential oils are great for uplifting spirits after an exhausting day. Great way to help pull yourself out of the "blues".
****Please note:
Normally I use unrefined shea butter for the full therapeutic benefits. However, unrefined shea butter has a pleasant odor of its own but tends to mask the scent of added fragrances. To achieve a whiter look and to enable the aroma to be at its best I'll use refined shea butter for the body butter fluffs. If you want the unrefined please let me know.
Soften and pamper your skin and you'll soon regain your youthful glow along with a pleasant disposition to go with it.
Shea and Coconut Fluff Moisturizing Body Butter comes in a 4 oz. plastic jar.
Body Butter, Shea & Coconut Oil Fluff, Moisturizer, Patchouli, Lavender

Whipped to achieve a fluffy, non-greasy consistency, this combination is a suburb moisturizer for both face and body. A soothing aid for skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema, Shea and Coconut Fluff helps moisturize and heal.
Shea butter comes from karite nut trees found in Africa. Some call shea butter African cocoa butter. These nuts are crushed and boiled to extract the sought after fat.
It is a heavy butter, but once it penetrates the skin this method of skin care is very therapeutic for healing and moisturizing dry, sensitive skin and even helps fade those fine lines. Its anti-inflammatory properties and fatty acid content aid in the relief of damage done by scratching skin bothered by eczema and psoriasis.
Coconut oil is found inside coconut shells. To extract this oil the coconut meat is crushed and heated in boiling water. The floating oil is then skimmed off and collected. Coconut oil melts above temperatures of 76 degrees, therefore this body butter will soften if exposed to heat.
Known for its ability to help skin retain moisture, this wonderful hydrator is often used for chronic dry skin and as a hair conditioner. Also a plus, coconut oil contains antifungal and antibacterial properties from the presence of lauric acid, capric acid and caprylic acid.
Essential oils chosen for this silky butter are patchouli and lavender.
Patchouli has a powerful action on our psyche and brings a sense of sacredness of life. Its earthy smell can stimulate and strengthen the nervous system and act almost like a sedative for anxiety. As a perfume it can cling to clothes for extended periods of time.
Containing a healing agent, patchoulene, patchouli is also recommended for healing inflamed skin conditions and wound care. Its skin rejuvenating properties help mature skin maintain its suppleness, therefore is often seen in moisturizing creams.
Lavender is one of those herbs most of us have experienced. Used in perfumery, cosmetics, burns and skin conditions, insect repellent, emotional anxiety, this plant is one of the most effective oils in natural cosmetics.
Lavender's sweet yet woodsy scent goes well with many oil blends and actually strengthens their effects. Known as the protective love of Mother Earth, lavender is like a gentle blanket to tuck us in when upset and burdened.
****Please note:
Normally I use unrefined shea butter for the full therapeutic benefits. However, unrefined shea butter has a pleasant odor of its own but tends to mask the scent of added fragrances. To achieve a whiter look and to enable the aroma to be at its best I'll use refined shea butter for the body butter fluffs. If you want the unrefined please let me know.
Soften and pamper your skin and you'll soon regain your youthful glow.
"Just realized this body butter is also great for use on my face! It soaks right in without an oily residue or shine. Love it!"
Shea and Coconut Fluff Moisturizing Body Butter comes in a 4 oz. plastic jar.
Raw Honey & Lavender (or Tea Tree and Chamomile) Facial Mask or Wound, Burn Treatment
Enjoy a honey mask facial as part of your anti-aging skin care. Ideal for all skin types, this facial treatment utilizes raw honey to help reduce the appearance of wrinkles and improve the radiance of your complexion. Raw honey masks help protect your skin from free radicals due to the high antioxidant level.
Facial masks are wonderful for deep cleaning in that they penetrate below the surface and draw out impurities. Honey masks are nourishing, moisturizing and gentle enough to not strip the skin of its natural protective oils.
Let the bees help you maintain a beautiful complexion. Wildflower and clover honey already have the beneficial attributes of these herbs within the honey itself.
Honey is a natural humectant which means it retains moisture and plumps up skin cells. It helps to rebuild the moisture level in the skin without making it oily. The high sugar, low protein content create an acidic environment with limited availability of water therefore bacteria cannot thrive.
Raw honey has a different look than pasteurized commercial honey. It has not been heated or filtered therefore it looks a bit cloudy and has flecks of the activities of the hive, such as honeycomb bits and pollen. Having a high anti-oxidant level and being the natural enzymes have not been destroyed by heat, raw honey is a much healthier product.
Glucose oxidase is an enzyme that when combined with water produces hydrogen peroxide, a mild antiseptic. Honey also contains antioxidants and flavonoids that may function as antibacterial agents. It calms down troubled skin without irritation.
Lavender has been called the 'mother of all essences'. It has a comforting and calming effect just by its smell. A very important property of lavender is that it stimulates the regeneration of damaged tissues. It adds its own vital force to ours and wounds and bruising tend to heal very quickly.
Ideally you should begin this treatment with a facial steam to open up your pores which will enable the masque to penetrate more deeply. Apply a thin film onto your face and neck and relax for about 30 minutes. Wash off with warm water and observe how fine lines seem to vanish and your face appears more vibrant and supple.
A gentle masque such as this can be used two or three times a week. Take note that it is normal for honey to crystallize. Use as is for a bit of exfoliation as you apply the honey or microwave for just a few seconds.
Being honey naturally crystallizes with time, you can then also use as you would a sugar scrub. Apply a bit to finger tips or facial cloth and use gentle circular motions to cleanse.
External use only.
Raw Honey and Lavender Facial Masque comes in a 2 oz. plastic jar
Honey was a conventional therapy in fighting infection up until the early 20th century.
The use of honey in wound care is regaining popularity as researchers learn exactly how raw honey can help with wound care. When applied to the skin, honey may serve as a barrier to moisture and keep skin from sticking to dressings. Cover the area with a piece of gauze and change the dressing with new honey every 12 hours.
Information below is gathered from the following two informative links. Learn about the studies and information gathered with the use of raw honey for wounds, burns and in the prevention of infection
Honey was a conventional therapy in fighting infection up until the early 20th century, at which time its use slowly vanished with the advent of penicillin. Topical use of honey has a long history. In fact, it is considered one of the oldest known wound dressings. Honey was used by the ancient Greek physician Dioscorides in 50 A.D. for sunburn and infected wounds. Honey’s healing properties are mentioned in the Bible, Koran, and Torah.
Now the use of honey in wound care is regaining popularity again, as researchers are determining exactly how honey can help fight serious skin infections.
When considering using honey for the treatment of wounds, it's extremely important to understand that there's a major difference between raw honey—and especially Manuka honey, which is in a class of its own—and the highly processed "Grade A" type honey you find in most grocery stores. The latter is more akin to high fructose corn syrup, which is more likely to increase infection, and should never be used to treat topical wounds! (It also will not offer you the same health benefits as raw honey when consumed.)
If you're considering using honey to treat a mild burn, sunburn, or small wound at home, make sure to use either Manuka or raw honey. Like the Manuka honey, high quality RAW honey will help draw fluid away from your wound and suppress the growth of microorganisms. Part of what gives raw honey its antibacterial properties is an enzyme called glucose oxidase, which the worker bees excrete into the nectar. This enzyme releases low levels of hydrogen peroxide when the honey makes contact with your wound. A chemical reaction between the honey and the tissue also makes your wound smell good. Heated honey will destroy this perishable enzyme which is why you want to only use raw honey for this application.
When applied to the skin, honey may serve as a barrier to moisture and keep skin from sticking to dressings. covered it with a piece of gauze and changed the dressing with new honey every 12 hours
Shampoo, Gentle Scalp Funk, Flaky scalp
Looking for a gentle shampoo for your beloved dog?
The decision to steer away from commercially made shampoos usually stems from scalp sensitivity and/or the growing awareness of the potentially toxic chemicals often added to skin and hair care products.
Emulsifiers, preservatives, solvents, and fragrances are all used to achieve the thick, creamy consistency we want and a long shelf life for the commercial market. However, they have their drawbacks and risks of toxicity.
Examples of common additives are as follows:
Propylene glycol is an inexpensive phytochemical that serves as a solvent and skin conditioner. The concern is that it alters skin structure, allowing the penetration of other chemicals into the bloodstream.
Methylparaben is a common synthetic preservative with concerns being possible hormonal changes and its link to certain types of cancer.
Sodium Laureth Sulfate is a surfactant which means it helps emulsify and blend different liquids. It can cause problems with skin irritation and again is a substance which alters skin structure.
Phthalates are fragrances which can effect the immune system, respiratory and endocrine function.
Shampoos advertised as leaving your hair squeaky clean do so but eventually may strip away protective oils and dry out the hair. Problems such as overproduction of sebum and dandruff are often a part of the cycle of washing the hair on a daily basis, which may not always be necessary.
Soaps and detergents are not the same thing. Both are what are called surfactants, which means a washing compound that mixes grease and water. The purpose is to act as a solvent in removing oil and grime.
Soap is made with fats originating from either animals or vegetable sources. This fat is combined with an alkali to create what is called saponification. All soaps are made with some form of alkali (Potassium Hydroxide).
Soaps are made of natural materials and have less environmental impact.
Even though some of the ingredients in detergents may be natural, basically detergents are synthetic.
We also have to take into consideration what gets washed down the drains into our water supply and the bio-accumulative effects on our wildlife.
Our choice as the base for our shampoo is Dr. Bronner's liquid castile soap.
This is an olive oil based soap made without additional chemicals, coloring agents, preservatives, and artificial scents.
Ingredients in castile soap are:
Water, Organic Coconut Oil*, Potassium Hydroxide**, Organic Olive Oil*, Organic Hemp Oil, Organic Jojoba Oil, Citric Acid, Vit. E.
** None remains after saponifying oils into soap and glycerin
This Gentle Hair Care Shampoo will help restore a healthy pH of between 4.0 and 6.0 as well as leave your hair clean, soft and conditioned. Castile soap alone has a higher alkaline of 8.9 but blended with the Aloe vera gel which has the same pH as human skin brings the pH down to between the desired 5.5 - 6.
Whereas normally much of the glycerin is removed from soaps and sold as moisturizers, the glycerin remains in castile soap.
Jojoba oil isn't really an oil, but rather a liquid wax ester that resembles human sebum, excellent for hair and skin care.
If you feel you have oily hair and would prefer this additional moisturizer left out, please let me know upon ordering.
Aloe vera gel is extremely soothing and healing for the scalp.
The essential oil blend used for this shampoo is a combination of Rosemary, Patchouli, and Cedarwood. These plants contain antiseptic and astringent properties that are helpful in balancing oil production and very therapeutic for irritating skin conditions.
"A common misconception about a flaky scalp is that dry skin is the root cause of this condition. Dry skin rarely produces flakes that are visible to the naked eye. This can be the result of an excessively oily scalp or a yeast infection of the scalp. An oily scalp can be helped with regular shampooing by massaging the shampoo into the scalp for five minutes and thoroughly rinsing the shampoo out. The scalp massage loosens the dead skin cells while the shampoo removes excess oil. Both the shampoo and dead skin are washed away when the hair is rinsed. However, for problems caused by yeast or seborrheic dermatitis, anti-dandruff shampoos are needed to fight the fungal infection and dissolve the dead skin. Before treating any scalp condition, consult a doctor to rule out any underlying health causes for your dandruff." Source; ShawnTe Pierce, eHow Contributor
The earthy scent makes a great deodorizing shampoo for your dog as well.
Useful as a gentle circulation-stimulating effect beneficial for the health of your dog's skin and coat.
Do not use on cats.
This shampoo will not result in a billowing sudsy foam being it lacks detergents, nor does it have the thick, pouring consistency of commercial shampoos. However, the high coconut oil content does make for a rich lather and it is concentrated so you don't need very much at a time.
If you have hard water you may find that the castile doesn't rinse cleanly and your hair may feel tangly or gunky. If a water softener isn't an option you can try a water filter for the shower.
Should the shampoo be exposed to temperatures dropping to about 50 degrees F, you will notice a cloudy appearance. Put the soap in a warm room, or warm water, and it will clear up at round 70 degrees F. Clear or cloudy, the soap is fine.
Avoid contact with the eyes as it may irritate.
Also available in a 2 oz. travel size
Gentle Scalp Funk Shampoo comes in an 8 oz. plastic flip top bottle.
If you have a preference of the bottle please let me know.
Pictured above are the white #2 HDPE or blue #1 PET plastic, all easily recyclable.
Fresh Ginger root Massage Oil
Ginger oil falls under the category of traditional folk remedies and handed down folk lore. This herbal oil was made by slowly warming fresh ginger root in olive oil for hours until the green olive oil becomes a golden tint in color, full of the spicy bite of warming ginger.
Studies have found that ginger mimics nonsteroidal anti-inflammatories (NSAIDS). By curbing pain-causing chemicals that are part of the body's inflammatory response, ginger is one of those passed down home remedies for joint pain and muscle stiffness.
Ginger is well-known for its anti-inflammatory properties. One of nature's richest sources of proteolytic enzymes, ginger has the ability to chemically break down protein. These enzymes have a role in helping to control autoimmune conditions by reducing blood levels of compounds known as immune complexes. High levels of immune complexes activate the immune system to attack the body itself, which leads to tissue damage.
Known as one of the "hot" herbs, ginger root helps to bring blood to the surface of the skin. By increasing circulation, ginger's warming qualities help to decrease muscle soreness and stiffness.
Feel relief from the symptoms of poor circulation, such as fatigue and swelling ankles and feet.
Hot herbs are used to treat conditions involving cold, including the cold fingers caused by Raynaud's. Raynaud's is a very annoying condition in which the constriction of the blood vessels in areas such as fingers and toes are exaggerated.
By helping to normalize blood flow all over the body, including the fingers and toes, ginger offers some relief to these spasms.
Treat your feet before heading out into cold weather. Rub some ginger oil into your feet before putting on your boots. The warming properties will boost blood flow to your toes and ward off the numbing cold.
Prior to and following an exercise routine, warm up your muscles by giving them a good rub down with ginger oil.
Use as a massage oil as a reflexology oil. The sensitive skin and tissues of the feet contain many nerves and blood vessels that readily absorb the healing effects of herbal oils and carry them throughout the body. Warm up your toes as ginger's warming qualities relax your entire body.
Fall in love with the relief ginger oil can bring to an aching back. The push and pull strokes of a good kneading massage can do wonders for to relax tight muscles and break up those pressure points.
Use as a bath oil to soak away fatigue, stiffness and restore energy.
Enjoy ginger root, one of the herbs safely used for generations to offer a sense of warm comfort.
Ginger root massage oil comes in a 4 oz. glass amber bottle with a dropper type top.
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