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Bees on Joe Pye-Weed |
Turns out I'm not the only one who had some confusion in the difference between the majestic New York Ironweed (Vernonia noveboracensis) and Joe Pye-Weed (Eutrochium purpurem). There are numerous perks for including these plants in our landscaping. The fact that they both are natives to North America means that they are low maintenance plants and have long adapted to weather and water conditions to be hardy perennial plants. You'll be pleased to discover that they'll propagate with little help from you, without being invasive. If they seem to be crowding out other plants, it is easy to just thin them out.
Planted to the rear of a garden or as a background accent plant, these plants look beautiful with other natives which are blooming at the same time, July and August. The yellows of Helianthus (wild sunflowers), Goldenrod and Black-Eyed Susan look stunning with the mauves and purples of Joe Pye-weed and Ironweed.
The similarities in these two plants are that they both grow in damp, sunny areas. They can be seen in wetlands but also along roadways, utilizing the water that collects in the roadside ditches. Both bloom in July and August and both grow taller than most plants around them.
The differences include Ironweed usually grows to a taller height of up to 8 feet, has slightly darker leaves, and the flowers aren't as spread out or plumy. Ironweed has purple blooms, whereas Joe Pye-Weed has pinkish, mauve flower heads. Once these facts are pointed out, telling these plants apart becomes easy.
If you want to encourage butterflies, bees and other pollinators, these are ideal choices. By late summer you'll be fascinated by the amount of insect activity taking advantage of these wonderful sources of pollen.
For those of you who try to choose landscaping plants based on which are deer resistant, you'll be pleased to know that deer generally leave these bitter tasting plants alone.
Grab your camera and enjoy the beautiful shots of color you'll be able to get!
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Easter Tiger Swallowtail on Ironweed |
Make me a promise Bianca, my mother said. "Promise me you won't put me in a home or make me live with one of your sisters". It was a joke at the time when my mom was just starting to forget things. 06/08/2019 was the hardest day of my life. Watching my mom talk to herself, packing her things 2-3 times a day, saying she has to go home. It was heartbreaking. I broke down and cried with her a few times and then I realized how hard it must be on my dad too. He can't leave the house, he has to convince her that she lives in their house. I came to the decision to quit my job. My dad needs help. I live 7 hours away but instead of visiting my parents, I'll be visiting my husband. My mom has always been there for me and been my best friend so I want to be there for her. I keep telling myself that I can snap her out of it. I got her numerous medications including DONEPEZIL and MEMANTINE instead of helping her, they almost destroyed her due to the side effects. As I was reading more about Dementia on the internet, I met with some comments of people testifying about Dr. Rohan and his BRONGEE HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS that it works for Alzheimer's and Dementia. I contacted the doctor immediately and explained my mother's condition to him, he assured me that my mom will be fine and her memory will come back to normal. I ordered his Herbal Supplements and it was delivered to me here in Canada by DHL courier company in less than a week with instructions on how to use them attached in the package. After 3 weeks of using these herbs, we began to see improvement, after 6 months my mom was better, and it's been 2 years now and my mom is completely free from this horrible disease called dementia. In case your loved one is suffering from Alzheimer's/Dementia I will advise you to use BRONGEE HERBAL SUPPLEMENTS it may also help you. You can contact Dr. Rohan via email; dr.rohanronjohn@gmail.com and Whatsapp; +393512146722 to get yours.